Tasks: This second piece of coursework consists of questions based on a case study and requires you to:-
Recognise, understand and apply appropriate case law and legislation to realistic business problem scenarios
Critically evaluate the law relating to employment law
Understand principles of law governing employment relationships
Analyse complex factual situations and identify and apply relevant legal concepts in order to reach balanced conclusions and provide advice and recommendations.
Word Limit: 2000 words excluding footnotes and bibliography. The word count should be stated on the university front sheet. Failure to state a word count will result in a 5% penalty. A falsely stated word-count may result in a mark of 0%. Note that footnotes, if used, should be used to reference sources only. Examiners are free to disregard footnotes that contain inappropriate information or information that should belong in the main text. Coursework that is more than 10% over the word limit will result in a 10% penalty (as, inter alia, concision is an important skill).
Referencing: Students must reference sources using the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA). This can be found at
Reference should be made to the primary source, except when the primary source can no longer be obtained. Poor citation of sources will result in a loss of marks. Students who are having difficulty citing sources should visit