
Principles of connectivism

Question 1:

a) Connectivism was introduced as a theory of learning based on the premise that knowledge exists in the world rather than in the head of an individual Connectivism describes learning as a process of creating a network of personal knowledge.

i) Outline the principles of connectivism.

ii) What are the main criticisms about connectivism?

(b) How does connectivism compare to behaviourism, cognitivism and constructivism in relation to i) how learning occurs, ii) factors that influence learning, iii) the role of memory, iv)how  transfer occurs and v) the types of learning are best explained by each learning theory?

Question 2:

Many teachers use Bloom's Taxonomy and Bloom's Revised Taxonomy in developing and structuring their teaching and learning experiences. Bloom's digital taxonomy is an attempt to marry Bloom's revised taxonomy and the key verbs to digital approaches and tools.

(a) Explain the additions to the revised Bloom’s Taxonomy for the digital age in the six levels (creating,evaluating, analyzing, applying, understanding, remembering).

(b) State two Web 2.0 tools based on each level of of Bloom’s revised Digital Taxonomy.

(c) Explain how Web 2.0 based collaboration and communication tools can help students at the uppermost levels of Bloom’s taxonomy (evaluation and creation).

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Other Subject: Principles of connectivism
Reference No:- TGS05344

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