1) Explain the breakdown phenomenon in non uniform fields and mechanism of corona in detail.
2) Describe Townsend’s first and second ionization coefficients. Also explain how the condition for breakdown is obtained within the Townsend discharge?
3) Describe the different theories which explain the breakdown in the commercial liquid dielectrics.
4) Describe the several mechanisms through which breakdown takes place in solid dielectrics in practice.
5) Explain the principle of operation of vande graffe generator with the help of neat sketch.
6) Describe the operation of Marx circuit.
7) Explain the sphere gap arrangement method of high voltage measurement and give the factors influencing the measurement with neat sketch.
8) Explain what is mixed potential divider? Also explain how is it used for the measurement of the impulse voltage?
9) Describe the partial discharge tests on the high voltage cables. How is the fault in the insulation situated in this test?
10) Describe the several electrical tests performed on the circuit breakers.