
Principle of operation of ultrasonic blood flow meter

1) Sketch the block diagram of automated electro sphygmomanometer for blood pressure measurement and describe its operation?

2) Describe with appropriate equations the working and measurement produce of Plethysmograph?

3) With appropriate figures describe How pH ,Pco2 ,and Po2 are measured?

4)i) Describe any one method of measuring blood pressure.

ii) Describe about ESR and GSR measurements

5) Explain in detail a method to find out Total Lung capacity.

6) Sketch a circuit diagram of a pH meter and describe its working details.

7)i) Describe the Working principle of a electromagnetic type blood flow meter.

ii) What do you mean by Cardiac output? Explain a technique to find out Cardiac output.

8)i) Describe the Principle of operation of an Ultrasonic blood flow meter.

ii) Describe the origin of different heart sounds.

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Biology: Principle of operation of ultrasonic blood flow meter
Reference No:- TGS011445

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