
Principle of micro program sequencer

Q1. What do you mean by DMA? Explain how DMA controller works? Describe with appropriate block diagram.

Q2. Write down a brief note on the vectored interrupt.

Q3. Sketch a clean flowchart of the floating point division taken out in a computer.

Q4. Explain what does Addressing Mode signify? Describe at least five various Addressing Modes with an illustration.

Q5. With a neat block diagram, describe the working principle of the micro program sequencer.

Q6. Compare and contrast the Memory mapped Input-Output and Input-Output mapped Input-Output.

Q7. Write detail notes on any three of given:

a) Virtual Memory
b) Characteristics of the RISC processor
c) Polling in Input-Output subsystem design
d) Synchronous and Asynchronous type data transfer.

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Computer Engineering: Principle of micro program sequencer
Reference No:- TGS011147

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