
Principals of effective practice in adult learning


Principals of Effective Practice in Adult Learning

Several theorists have developed philosophies of the most effective characteristics and behaviors a flourishing teacher should possess. It is relatively difficult to support such theories with quantitative data due to the fact that personality characteristics are almost incalculable. The study of adult learning cannot be without the study of psychology to rationalize the learning process. According to Knowles, Holton, and Swanson (2011), two main perspectives in the psychology of learning are behaviorists/connectionist and cognitive/gestalt theories.

The purpose of studying effective teaching practices is to make a greater impact on the learner by developing the most efficient facilitator which may include several learning perspectives. "Teaching styles is the overall characteristics, attitudes, traits, and qualities that a teacher displays in the teaching and learning encounter" (Galbraith, 2004, pg. 6). An examination of the principles of practice in adult learning from the perspectives of Knowles and Long will be analyzed for the benefit of the adult learner.

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