Answer the following questions.
Question 1) Assume you are designing sketch of a human using a graphic tool. Which tool you consider is more suitable for sketch designing and why?
Question 2) How do you create rhythm and balance in a design? What are the important principals?
Question 3) What is the purpose of proportion or scale in graphic design? How does scale is used to create a good design? Are there any scale metrics available?
Question 4) Express qualities of a line. Also elaborate positive and negative areas with examples.
Question 5) Why edges can be seen as lines? Explain with proper examples. Also briefly describe the phenomena of a vanishing point.
Question 6) How do space and texture features help the observer to see the image? Describe with example.
Question 7) Develop a design of an invitation card using any graphic package.
Question 8) Develop design of a web page
Question 9) Select a design. Make changes in color, style and orientation.
Question 10) Compare and contrast the features of any two graphic packages.