
Principal means of cultural discipline and social control

Write this note in your own words, please no citation. Just find information from the book

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This is not an essay, it is just a reading note assignment. so you don't need to worry about the formatting.

Reading guide for Veblen p. 318-320, 324-327, 336-342
• Evolution social philosophy
o Society is a complex orgainism?
o Instinct? Common pattern? Traits?
• Antagonistic dichotomy
o Please list traits and instincts in pair
- For example, predatory instinct VS the instinct of workmanship
- It does not have to be right. I just want you to explore Veblen's use of antagonistic ideas.
o Class divided society
- Production is a social process? Not a private property
- Instinct of workmanship VS predatory instinct
- Private property roots in the predatory instinct?
- Predatory instinct in the society oppresses women?
o Pecuniary culture
- Predatory instinct make people look up to the higher class? Hierarchy of jobs?
- Conspicuous consumption? To show prowess?
- Principal means of cultural discipline and social control? Explain the treadmill of emulative consumption.
- Is socialism inevitable for Veblen? No, explain?

Textbook:- History of Economic Thought A CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE THIRD EDITION by E.K. Hunt and Mark Lautzenheiser

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Dissertation: Principal means of cultural discipline and social control
Reference No:- TGS02359290

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