Primordial cultural arguments regarding democracy state

Primordial cultural arguments regarding democracy state that any culture could be compatible with democratic institutions.
A) true
B) false
One of the problems with the early forms of arguments about the cultural determinants of democracy is that they did not clearly specify what aspect of culture actually mattered for democracy to emerge or survive. Thus, their claims were not always presented in a falsifiable manner.
A) true
B) false
In the 1960s, a new group of scholars began studying the link between culture and democracy. Specifically, Almond & Verba used surveys to get information about how individuals in different countries felt about political institutions, actors, and processes. They claimed that the type of culture that is most compatible with democracy is:
A) parochial culture
B) subject culture
C) participant culture
D) American culture
Almond and Verba studied political culture through the use of what?
A) case studies
B) statistics
C) surveys
D) experiments
E) formal models
In his books, Making Democracy Work and Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam highlights the importance of what factor when explaining why some democracies perform better than others?
A) wealth
B) religion
C) social capital
D) institutions
In Making Democracy Work and Bowling Alone, Robert Putnam highlights the importance of social capital when explaining why some democracies perform better than others. His argument supports the results of the experiments discussed in Chapter 7 that suggest that if we assume that democratic institutions tend to require a particular type of behavior, then individuals in societies whose interactions already require this behavior in everyday interactions will find it easier to adopt and support democracy.
A) true
B) false
Obtain a copy of M. Steven Fish s article, Islam and Authoritarianism from the journal World Politics 55, 1 (2002): 4-37 using your college s or university s library resources. Read the article. What is Fish s dependent variable?
A) Democracy
B) War
C) Civil War
D) Economic Development
Obtain a copy of M. Steven Fish s article, Islam and Authoritarianism from the journal World Politics 55, 1 (2002): 4-37 using your college s or university s library resources. Read the article. What is the main independent variable?
A) Economic development
B) oil reliance
C) whether a country is predominantly Muslim or not
D) whether a country is a former British colony or not
Obtain a copy of M. Steven Fish s article, Islam and Authoritarianism from the journal World Politics 55, 1 (2002): 4-37 using your college s or university s library resources. Read the article and then answer. What is the main hypothesis of this article?
A) Wealthy countries have higher levels of democracy
B) Islamic countries have higher levels of democracy
C) Islamic countries have lower levels of democracy
D) More oil reliant states have lower levels of democracy
E) More oil reliant states have higher levels of democracy
Obtain a copy of M. Steven Fish s article, Islam and Authoritarianism from the journal World Politics 55, 1 (2002): 4-37 using your college s or university s library resources. Read the article. What evidence would falsify the main hypothesis?
A) Islamic countries have a higher level of democracy
B) Islamic countries have a lower level of democracy
C) Wealthy countries have a lower level of democracy
D) Oil reliant states have a higher level of democracy
Obtain a copy of M. Steven Fish s article, Islam and Authoritarianism from the journal World Politics 55, 1 (2002): 4-37 using your college s or university s library resources. Read the article. Fish examines several arguments about why Islam might be bad for democracy. What are they?
A) a. Muslim societies are prone to violence
B) b. Muslim societies have lower levels of interpersonal trust
C) c. Muslim societies are less secular
D) d. Muslim societies subordinate women
E) e. Answers a. and b.
F) f. Answers b. and c.
G) g. Answers a. b. c. and d.
Obtain a copy of M. Steven Fish s article, Islam and Authoritarianism from the journal World Politics 55, 1 (2002): 4-37 using your college s or university s library resources. Read the article. According to Fish's findings (not the theories), what is the reason why Islamic countries have lower levels of democracy?
A) Muslim societies are more prone to violence
B) Muslim societies are less secular
C) Muslim societies subordinate women
D) Muslim societies have lower levels of interpersonal trust
Obtain a copy of M. Steven Fish s article, Islam and Authoritarianism from the journal World Politics 55, 1 (2002): 4-37 using your college s or university s library resources. Read the article. Given his dependent variable, what sign (positive or negative) does Fish predict for the coefficient on his primary explanatory variable?
A) positive
B) negative
C) positive or negative
Obtain a copy of M. Steven Fish s article, Islam and Authoritarianism from the journal World Politics 55, 1 (2002): 4-37 using your college s or university s library resources. Read the article. What sign (positive or negative) does Fish find for the coefficient on his primary explanatory variable? Hint: see Table 3, column 1 on page 13.
A) positive
B) negative
C) positive or negative
One of the conclusions that Fish reaches is that Islam is antithetical to democracy because women are not treated equally in Islamic countries. He reaches this conclusion while using Freedom House as his measure of democracy. Why might it be problematic to use Freedom House to examine the impact that the unequal treatment of women in Islamic countries has on democracy? What is the most appropriate answer below. Find the complete list of questions that are used to create a country s Freedom House score by going to Identify which questions make it problematic to use Freedom House scores to test Fish s statement that Islam is bad for democracy because of its unequal treatment of women.
A) Because Freedom House is a bad measure of democracy
B) Because Freedom House is a measure of freedom and not democracy
C) Because a country's Freedom House score is partially determined by how equally women are treated.
D) Because a country's Freedom House score does not take account of how equally women are treated.
At the end of Chapter 7, Question 5 addresses a Coordination and Democracy Game. Read the setup of the game and answer the following questions. What is or are the Nash equilibria in the Group Subgame shown in Figure 7.6
A) (Acquiesce; Acquiesce)
B) (Acquiesce; Acquiesce), (Challenge; Challenge)
C) (Challenge; Challenge)
D) (Acquiesce; Challenge), (Challenge; Acquiesce)
E) (Acquiesce; Challenge), (Challenge; Challenge)
What are the expected outcome(s) from the Group Subgame in Figure 7.6?
A) Both acquiesce or both challenge
B) Both challenge
C) In one, Group A acquiesces but Group B challenges. In another, Group A challenges but Group B acquiesces.
D) Both acquiesce
By solving the Group Subgame in Figure 7.6, you have found out that the State can expect to receive one of two possible payoffs if it transgresses. Compare each of the State s potential payoffs from transgressing with the State s payoff from not transgressing. What can you say about the circumstances under which the State will or will not transgress against its citizens?
A) The state will not transgress if both groups acquiesce
B) The state will not transgress if both groups challenge
C) The state will not transgress if one of the groups challenge.
D) The state will transgress if both groups challenge
How does the Coordination and Democracy Game help illustrate the notion that the coordination of beliefs between different groups in society might be considered a democratic culture something that is necessary for democracy to emerge and survive? What answer is most appropriate?
A) Because only if groups coordinate their beliefs on challenging the state will the state choose not to transgress
B) Because only if groups coordinate their beliefs on acquiescing to the state will the state choose not to transgress.
C) Because the state will transgress unless the groups coordinate their beliefs.
In the chapter, we note that some political scientists believe that democracy is hard to sustain in countries that are characterized by a large number of ethnic or cultural groups. How does the Coordination and Democracy Game that you have just examined help to explain why this might be the case?
A) Because large numbers of ethnic groups lead to ethnic conflict which is bad for democracy.
B) Because democratic survival requires citizens to agree on when the state transgresses and to challenge it. Reaching agreement on these things (coordinating beliefs) will be harder when there are many different ethnic groups that might look at the world differently.

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