Q - Primitives are variables that hold one piece of data such as an integer, double, etc. References variables are more complex and can hold groups of related data. What are some other References variables (other than String)and how are they used?
A - Some examples of reference variables are Scanner, BigDecimal, and Calendar. Scanner, as we've seen is used to get user input into the program. BigDecimal is a class that is used for very precise mathematical operations and provides built in operations that float or double do not have. Calendar is a class that encapsulates various date operations.
Criteria - Write one or two paragraphs. Provide valuable and thoughtful feedback for the above answer with constructive criticism and critiques. Present original thoughts and ideas in postings, (avoid simple agreement or disagreement with, or restatement of other's postings) You may want to provide additional information from your outside readings or other outside resources. I encourage you to share links to other excellent resources during this course.