
Primary method of cognitive neuropsychology

Using examples of case studies, critically evaluate the contribution cognitive neuropsychology has made to the understanding of normal cognitive function.

Suggested reading:

Chapter of the Methods Companion considers what cognitive neuropsychology has learned from the study of damaged brains. In addition, Caramazza and Coltheart (2006) provides an excellent review of patient case studies. It discusses many of the issues inherent in single case studies, and embeds methodological issues within a wider discussion concerning the development of cognitive neuropsychology as a discipline. There are also numerous examples of neuropsychological case studies in many of the chapters of Cognitive Psychology that you may draw upon.


The primary method of cognitive neuropsychology is patient case studies. This question asks you to evaluate critically the contribution that these studies, and the wider field of cognitive neuropsychology, have made to our understanding of cognitive processes. There is no correct answer to this, so you need to develop your own balanced argument that is supported by evidence.

Integrating the material from the Methods Companion will help you to evaluate critically and build a more sophisticated argument; a good essay will integrate historical issues and developments with theoretical and methodological description and critique. As with all essays, you should include material from the journal article. As with all essays, you should include material from one or more journal articles; in this case, Caramazza and Coltheart (2006). Furthermore, credit will be given where additional independently sourced material has been integrated and used to enhance the level of critical evaluation.

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