Instructor insights bring you information liability issues in Medical Assistant Practice and the law supporting secondary uses of Electronic Health Information. Please , include these ideas and thoughts in your discussions .
Buppert, C. (2008 ). Understanding Medical Assistant Practice Liability Issues. DERMATOLOGY NURSING-Medico Legal Forum, 20 (4), 326-29
Tara, R.; Cason, S.; Akshara, M; Chanelle, F.(2015). The Role of Law in Supporting Secondary Uses of Electronic Health Information. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics, 43, 48-51,; DOI: 10.1111/jlme.12215
• From the scenario, analyze the primary problems associated with information management, and analyze the primary issues associated with patient confidentiality. Determine the major ways in which these overlapping responsibilities play a part in enforcing Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) mandates.
• Analyze the different problems with allied professional responsibilities and overlapping general roles as they apply to a multidisciplinary approach to patient care. Ascertain the principal ways in which the allied professional responsibilities in question synchronize with the management of patient information within 21st Century U.S. hospitals.