
Primary health care in action - identify and discuss how

Aim of assessment

To gain a deeper understanding of the application of PHC concepts and health promotion practice with particular reference to the health of Indigenous Australians

Watch the video (on vUWS) titled: Healing circle at Gnibi about a primary healthcare program carried out in a community in Western Australia.

Review online learning materials in the Assessment folder on vUWS

Your response should clearly identify which question you are answering. For example, you may write the question above your response.

Question #1

Using relevant examples from the video, identify and discuss how two (2) social determinants of health helped determine the need for the project.

Identify two social determinants of health which have established a need for this project.

Support your answer with referenced information

Reference to video required here.

Question #2

Using relevant examples from the video, identify and explain how 2 primary health care principles guided the project in the video.

Question # 3

Identify one National Health Priority Area that will be impacted on as a result of the program. Explain how this has the potential to impact the health of children or adults in the community, now or in the future.

Question # 4

Define cultural competence and cultural safety. Discuss why these concepts are important considerations when developing a program like the one in the video. Provide at least one example from the video where these concepts are demonstrated.

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Dissertation: Primary health care in action - identify and discuss how
Reference No:- TGS02745153

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