Persuasion itself is challenging, but it is even more difficult when the audience includes several people.
Primary audiences are often the decision makers, and secondary audiences include those with an interest in the decision and, perhaps, influence over the decision.
In this exercise, students will develop their skills at identifying multiple audiences for a message. The students may work in small groups or as a class. Provide the following scenario:
In response to federal and local initiatives to reduce childhood obesity, a large soft drink company plans to introduce a line of naturally sweetened carbonated beverages.
Most of the sales messages will be directed at the soft drink-consuming public, but to whom else will the company want to address messages?
Which are the primary and the secondary audiences?
How will the messages vary for those audiences? (The list will include outlets that stock the beverages, such as grocery and convenience stores, parents, schools that have vending machines, and government officials involved in obesity-reducing initiatives.