Problem: You are the importer of furniture. Your company's importer number is 123456789RM0001 and the head office is located at 123 Phantom Way in Toronto, ON.
The postal code is M1P 4P5. You are about to receive a shipment via truck of 1000 bunk beds from Sleep-In-Peace Inc. The exporter is located at 456 Factory Drive, Cincinnati OH USA. Your supplier states on the invoice that the goods are from USA origin. The USD value of the good is 300 USD per bunk bed. Based on today's exchange rate each bunk bed is valued at 384 CAD.
Please complete the following fields on the Canada Customs Coding Form. You must ensure that your name is the "IMPORTER" on the B3 form.
Please note that the importer does not have a CUSMA certificate for the goods. The importer and Sleep-In- Peace Inc. are NOT related firms and the price payable on the invoice is without adjustments.
The products began their uninterrupted journey to Canada on December 13, 2021. The transaction number for this shipment is 123456789 and the cargo control number is 014-04937402
Tip: you can use this page as a check list, to ensure you complete the B3 form on it's entirely.
- Importer name and address (USE YOUR NAME AND LAST NAME)
- Importer number - transaction number
- Vendor name and address
- Type
- Mode of transport
- Country of origin
- Place of export
- Tariff treatment
- Direct shipment date
- Currency code
- Total VFD
- Description
- Quantity
- Classification number
- Value for currency conversion
- Value for duty
- Customs duty rate
- GST rate
- Customs duties (Field 38)
- Value for tax (Field 41)
- GST (Field 42)
- Customs duties (Field 47)
- GST (Field 50)
- Total
- Cargo Control Number
- Declaration section (USE YOUR NAME AND LAST NAME)