
Price of the missile

The vice president who was known to be clever wouldnt tell them price of the missile but gave them clues. Note the first digit is on the left.

- Number is 10 digits long, no decimal. Each digit is different.

- The first, third and fifth digits are powers of three.

- The first, second, third, fifth, and nineth digits are odd.

- The firts, second, seventh, and nineth digits are prime numbers.

- The sum of the seventh and nineth digit is the third digit.

- The first digit is not 1, the second digit is not 2, the third digit is not 3, and so on with no digit occupying its numbered place, up to the tenth digit, which is not 0.

- No number is adjacent to a consecutive number. So, 1 is not next to 0 or 2, 2 is not next to 1 or 3, and so on.

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Mathematics: Price of the missile
Reference No:- TGS0873873

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