
Prfesent the patient scenarios to reflect acute illness

Problem: Prioritize and present the patient scenarios to reflect acute illness in the designated health disorders assigned.

Health problem(s): General Overview Not Patient Specific

1. Etiology (include genetic/genomic assessment as appropriate)

2. Incidence

3. Pathophysiology

100 David York Age: 5 months Weight: 12 lbs Admitting Dx: Diarrhea/Dehydration PMH: Asthma, Failure to thrive Third admission for dehydration and failure to thrive EGD and colonoscopy scheduled today at 1100 02 Sats 97% on 2L humidified FiO2 via NC, lungs clear AM lab results: Hgb 10, Hct 32.0, NA 134, K 5 NPO since 12MN except breast milk, full NPO at 0600 No wet diapers since 2200, No BM D5 ½ NS @ 15cc/hr stopped due to IV infiltrate @ 0200 (attempts to replace IV unsuccessful) Consent signed Pre-procedure checklist on chart Pre-procedure medications ordered Mother at the bedside. Father at home with 2 yr old sister

102 Charity Williams Age: 9 yo Weight: 110 lbs Admitting Dx: Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD), R/O aspiration PMH: pneumonia 2x within last year, Cerebral Palsy, developmental delay CXR: hazy infiltrate RML Current medications: Nexium 10mg PO once a day Diet: bland thickened liquid feedings in upright position 02 Sats 96% on 2 L 02 via NC Hgb 11.4, Hct 36.4 No emesis last night Abd soft BM x2 yesterday IV Saline lock OOB to wheelchair as tolerated Mother primary caregiver and is overwhelmed with Charity's care. Consults: Surgery to evaluate for Nissen Fundoplication and GT insertion Dietary to evaluate caloric needs and feeding frequency 

103 Yolanda Martinez Age: 15 yo Wt: 110 lbs Admitting Dx: Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS) No past medical history Identifies as transgender PHI: Seen by PMD (primary medical doctor) 5 days ago and diagnosed with viral gastroenteritis. Symptoms did not improve and parents brought child to ED after 12 hrs of no urine output + Ecoli from stool culture Lethargic, voided x1 last night 20ml dark urine Hgb 8.7 Hct 28.2 Plt 67,000 BUN 104 and Creatinine 3 Received 1 unit PRBC yesterday after dialysis Labs drawn this AM @ 0600 IV saline lock Diet: as tolerated protein restricted diet (restrict protein intake to 20% of caloric intake) No family at bedside, father a single parent and is at work

106 Samuel Penn Age 16 months Wt: 18.5 lbs Admitting Dx: Acute Abd pain, R/O Intussusception Just arrived from ED PHI: parents brought child into ED early this AM after several episodes of child drawing his knees to his chest and screaming, mom stated that child has had vomiting and diarrhea for 2 days, mom noticed that two stools were mixed with blood and mucus (currant jelly stool), no PO intake since yesterday evening PMH: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) Lethargic, irritable, diaphoretic Palpable, tender abdominal mass #24 G IV to R hand - D5 NS @ 53cc/hr Received NS bolus (20ml/kg) in ED x1 Abd x-ray ordered for 0800 HR 180, RR 28, BP 88/41, Axillary T=101 Mom names daily medications for CF management but cannot remember dosages N-acetylcysteine, Albuterol, Creon, Vitamins ADEK, and Motrin as needed for pain. Father lost job and will lose insurance benefits in a month.

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Biology: Prfesent the patient scenarios to reflect acute illness
Reference No:- TGS03380215

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