Complete the following tasks for the Topic - Prevention of suicidal tendencies in female prisoners in a word document file in approximately 12000 words by following APA format.
Problem 1: Module- Exploring evidence
Sections for your report (Research proposal- 5000 words)
Note:- the title page, acknowledgements, table of contents, references and appendices excleded for word count.
A) Title page
B) Acknowledgements
C) Table of contents
D) Summary/abstract
E) Background context/introduction
F) Search strategy
G) Literature review- Template to writing up the literature review:
Use the following heading to structure writing up your literature review. Once you have written it up you can delete the headings.
What databases did you look at and why?
What date parameters did you use and why?
The key terms used – and why?
What was the number of articles you retrieved for the literature review?
What inclusion and exclusion criteria did you use to reduce the number of papers and why?
What was your final number of papers?
Complete the table:
Key terms Cinhl articles BNI articles Medline articles Total articles
Retrieved = Retrieved = Retrieved =
Included = Included = Included =
Not relevant = Not relevant = Not relevant =
H) Aim/purpose with objectives or research questions
I) Methodology
- approach,
- participants,
- sampling,
- setting,
- data collection tools,
- procedure for collecting data,
- ethical issues,
- limitations of the study
- analysis
- time line
- Dissemination
J) Results
K) Main discussion
L) Conclusions and recommendations
M) References- Harvard referencing
N) Appendices
Problem 2: Module- Finance
Report of 3000 words
Situation- You are a member of a team of advisors who help a small public sector company determine where to invest pension contributions to ensure growth for stakeholders. Last year you advised the company to invest in NEXT PLC to the extent of £5million. This is about 5% of the overall value of the total portfolio. You have been asked by the trustees of the scheme to prepare a report reviewing the prospects for the company and its shares for the next board meeting on 22nd April 2016. The meeting will conclude with a decision to continue to invest or otherwise. The annual published accounts are available on the company website:
Your report should include the following:-
A) An introduction to the company including some company history, the principal activities of the company, products, markets and key financial results. (approx. 300 words)
B) Include the following table of key financial data using information from the accounts and annual reports: (Discuss around it leading to the table) approx. 300 words

C) Calculate for both the current year and the previous year, five key financial ratios that help to highlight your company’s performance for the trading period. (clearly state definitions used and cross reference sources of information). Summary table with key results (approx. 300 words)
D) Analyse the performance of the company over the last trading period. You are expected to comment on all relevant percentage movements and additional financial ratios (not just the ones calculated in question C). Marks will be awarded for both the relevancy and accuracy of the information presented and the analysis and interpretation of the information. (approx. 1500 words)
E) The CEO of Next PLC has provided an account of his view of performance of the company over the last trading period. Using your knowledge of leadership theories to what extent do you feel the new situations/challenges highlighted in the reports will require a change in leadership approach and why? (approx. 450 words)
The report should be neatly typed (Arial font size 12) with single line spacing. Harvard referencing is necessary.
Problem 3: Clinical Governance
Essay Guidelines (4000 words)
Title: In the context of the current social and political climate, how can organisations be held accountable for the quality of care?
The assignment:
This assignment is to provide evidence of an understanding of clinical governance and to critically examine how healthcare organisations are held accountable to the public for the quality of care that they and their staff deliver.
There will be various approaches and students may choose to look at different aspects but there will need to be a structure, there will need to be evidence of critical analysis of Clinical Governance in the UK or in your country.
Structure, presentation and use of references:
Your essay should read as a formal piece of academic writing, including the use of the third person, correct referencing and paragraphing. You should demonstrate that care has been taken with grammar and spelling.
Your academic essay should be structured as follows:
• Front cover sheet
• Introduction
• Social and political context
• 2 or 3 components of Clinical Governance
• Conclusion
• References
• Appendices (optional)