
Prevention of spreading infection between patient at

EBP/Clinical Question

1. Introduction with a thesis statement.

2. Discuss your setting and population. Describe a problem that you wish to explore further. You may want to explore a current policy or a policy that needs to be written/developed for this particular problem.

3. Formulate a clinical question that can be answered using the following format: P: population or patients, I: Intervention, C: Comparison, O: Outcomes. You must include each component of the PICO. Summarize this section by including your clinical question based on the components of the PICO.

4. Critique your selected EBP or CP guidelines based on the following criteria: (a) quality of evidence undertaken to develop the guideline, (b) applicability to your setting, population or system and (c) readiness to change. Each criteria is worth. Support this section with additional references (textbooks and studies)

5. Choose an EBP model that could be applied to your clinical question. Discuss why that model was chosen and how you would integrate the steps needed for changing practice into this model based on where you are in the process. Support this section with references (textbooks are a great resource).

6. Summarize how the changes will impact at least 3 Institute of Medicine Aims: (safety, efficiency, effectiveness, timeliness, patient centered, and equitable. Support this section with references.

7. Conclusion should summarize the entire discussion. 1 point

8. Provide a working link to your guideline after the conclusion, with the heading:


1. There will be no individual APA format deductions.

2. A Lack of Scholarship deduction of up to 20% of the total point value of the assignment will be applied to address such deficiencies as APA errors, Title or Reference page errors, a lack of clarity and conciseness in writing, grammatical and spelling errors, exceeding the prescribed page limit, and poor overall writing skills. For example, an assignment worth could have a maximum lack of scholarship deduction of. The amount of the deduction will be at the discretion of the faculty member.

FINAL SUBMISSION of Paper: Title page, paper with references, turnitin report.

Max page limit: 8 excluding title page, references, and turnitin. Faculty can not pre-approve any guideline selections for student.

Students are expected to include scholarly references with this paper. A minimum of 5 additional references (other than guideline and level of evidence reference tool) should be used, only 2 of the references should be course textbooks. Peer-reviewed references should be included and be current (within the last 5 years). Therefore, with your 5 additional references, level of evidence reference and guideline reference, students are expected to include no less than 7 references total.

Subject : Prevention of spreading infection between patient at medical surgical unit

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Dissertation: Prevention of spreading infection between patient at
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