
prevention and controlthe organism is sensitive

Prevention and control
The organism is sensitive to penicillin, tetracycline and other broad-spectrum antibiotics. Newer generation drugs are being used for the treatment of affected animals; however, the prevention is being done to isolate and segregate the affected animals and adopting the hygienic and bio-security measures. Chick embryo yolk sac or tissue culture adopted vaccine is also being used for prevention.

Public health significance

The transmission of Chlamydia from birds to men is universally recognized. 40-50 human cases of infection are reported annually in USA. The disease in men may vary from inapparent infection to severe pneumonitis with septicemia and death. Most frequently transit influenza like syndrome is observed with nausea, fever, vomiting, chills and headache. Trachoma like follicular conjunctive may be the only sign. Infection is acquired by inhalation of contaminated particles. The agent was isolated from cerebro-spinal fluid of a febrile child exposed to sheep experiencing abortions. The agent was also isolated from human foetus and placenta of aborting women who had contact with sheep, goats and cattle suffering from chlamydial pneumonia or abortions.

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Biology: prevention and controlthe organism is sensitive
Reference No:- TGS0160695

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