
Prevalence of drug use

Q1. Find the very latest information about the prevalence of drug use. What are the most popular drugs today?

Q2. What are the danger signals of drug use and how can they be used to identify possible abusers?

Q3. Discuss the reasons why alcohol and tobacco are somewhat acceptable in American society, and are generally not criminalized, from liquor stores to bars to grocery stores with liquor shelves.

Q4. Discuss the relationship and the differences between physical dependence and psychological dependence and the fact that in the end the result may be the same in terms of damage to the user. Define addiction and give an example of how 2 different types of substances can lead to addiction.

Q5. List the medicines you are your family has in your medicine cabinets at home. Demonstrate the degree to which Americans rely on over-the-counter drug therapies.

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Science: Prevalence of drug use
Reference No:- TGS0526290

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