Answer the following questions.
Question 1) Explain in detail the techniques involved in the preservation of wall paintings.
Question 2) Elaborate the different types methods used in preservation and consolidation of clay elements.
Question 3) Explain any two techniques used for cleaning and preservation of stone.
Question 4) What are solvents? Classify their types and state the properties and uses.
Question 5) Explain any one new material used in structural conservation practice.
Question 6) Explain the preservation techniques used for treatment of ferrous metals.
Question 7) Write brief note on the following:
i) Sources of damp in masonry structures.
ii) Structural failure of roofing systems.
Question 8) Define NDT. Explain any three techniques in detail.
Question 9) Explain the process of defect mapping used for historic structures.
Question 10) Distinguish between Eastern and Western domes.
Question 11) Explain the interventions for strengthening of load bearing wall.