
Presentation-race in education

Presentation – Race in Education

Project description:

* It should be at least 10 slides.

• You are required to do research on this topic through the library database, Google Scholar, or trusted newspaper sources. You may not use information from Wikipedia, blogs, or websites that end in .org or .com or .net. You must provide a Works Cited page at the end of your presentation. You must have a MINIMUM of two sources.

• The presentation should be:

*Performed at a high level.

*The Content should be: Surprising, academic, organized, flat, interesting, follows the assignment requirements, sequenced logically, material covered, visual aid.

*The Language should be good use of transitions, grammar, and word use.

*Professional looking

• Put a Video, or a link for a video that is related to the topic.

Anthropology – Presentation

• The topic is “race in education”

• You are required to do research on this topic through the library database, Google Scholar, or trusted newspaper sources. You may not use information from Wikipedia, blogs, or websites that end in .org or .com or .net.  You must provide a Works Cited page at the end of your presentation.  You must have a MINIMUM of two sources.

• Presentations must be 10 minutes long.

• The presentation should be:

* Performed at a high level.

* The Content should be: Surprising, academic, organized, flat, interesting, follows the assignment requirements, sequenced logically, material covered, visual aid.

* The Language should be good use of transitions, grammar, and word use.

* Professional looking

• Put a Video, or a link for a video that is related to the topic.

• It should be at least 10 slides.

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Other Subject: Presentation-race in education
Reference No:- TGS01437505

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