
Presentation on topic related to the national government

Assignment Task:

Research Project: Final Instructions

Each student will submit a multimedia presentation on a topic related to the National Government. Multimedia is a form of communication that uses a combination of different content forms, such as writing, audio, images, animations, or video, into a single interactive presentation, in contrast to traditional mass media, such as printed material or audio recordings, which features little to no interaction between users. Popular examples of multimedia include video podcasts, audio slideshows, and animated videos. The project must be thoroughly researched. You must use at least six sources, at least 2 of which must be primary, and include a reference page of at least 6 bibliography entries in Turabian format. Make good use of your sources, carefully comparing and collating information rather than relying on one or two references to the virtual exclusion of others. Make especially good use of your primary sources, remembering that the primary source information makes a research assignment. The presentation must be between 5 to 10 minutes in length. No presentation over 10 minutes will be viewed.

The slides, if used, must be clearly written. Turabian (Chicago) format is required for all written work. Significant point deductions (up to 50% deduction) will occur if Turabian (Chicago) formatting is not utilized. Avoid jargon and clichés. Avoid flowery language. If a word can be omitted without loss of clarity, omit it. Try to avoid the passive voice except for situations where it is necessary to clarify your meaning. Avoid errors in grammar and spelling.

Grading Criteria:


The student addresses all aspects of their chosen topic. The student researched the topic and demonstrated sufficient knowledge of the subject matter. They provide ample details that explain the information and give the listener enough information to comprehend the subject.


The submission is energetic and vibrant. The student shows creativity by forming clever titles, offerings, or extras to make their presentation stand out. The student should go the extra mile to add touches to their project to educate the listener on their chosen topic.

Organization and Clarity:

The content is organized logically and in Turabian (Chicago) formatting. Ideas are easy to follow and in the correct sequential order. Information should be presented smoothly, and the reader does not have to jump around to understand a point. The student uses a compelling mix of sentences and bullets to get their points across. The submission is accurate and professionally written, free of grammar and spelling mistakes.

Final multimedia requirements:

The uploaded multimedia project should be 5 to 10 minutes long. Projects over ten minutes in length will not be viewed. The most crucial factor to consider is that submission is more than just presenting the information. The submission must be energetic, vibrant, and engaging.

Final Presentation grading criteria:

  • The student knows and understands the concepts presented.
  • The student stays on topic and presents information clearly and logically.
  • The student is poised and has clear articulation.
  • The student speaks at an appropriate volume and makes eye contact.
  • The student exudes enthusiasm and confidence.
  • The presentation fits into the time allotment.
  • Presentation materials are professional, organized, and on hand.

Things to Remember:

  • Creativity of response should be shown throughout each of the six steps to make the final presentation easier.
  • The person viewing your presentation will want information in small and bite-size pieces and will be looking to learn something new about your chosen subject.
  • Creativity is King!
  • Avoid things such as a monotone speech delivery, filler words (um, ah, etc.), and nonsense words (like, basically, literally, etc.).
  • File uploads are restricted to PPTX, MP4 and WMA.
  • All presentations must be uploaded to Canvas. Email submissions will not be accepted.

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Reference No:- TGS03429119

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