
Presentation of speech and preside over shareholders

Protection team role: Lodging and Dining Advance: 5 slides with speaker notes


A CEO of a U.S. corporation, headquartered in New Haven, CT, speaking at annual shareholder's meeting in San Francisco, CA. CEO will utilize chartered private aircraft for direct air travel from New Haven, CT to San Francisco, CA and return. A scheduled refuel stop is slated for Atlanta, GA.

Ground travel at San Francisco, CA via hired driver service. Ground travel in New Haven, CT via assigned chauffer from corporation. The 3-hour meeting will be held at the ballroom of a 5-star hotel in downtown San Francisco.

The hotel has a security manager and staff of 6 security officers (2 security officers per 8 hour shift). CEO will be traveling without family, but with two corporate officers. CEO will occupy penthouse suite of hotel and take all meals but two through hotel room service.


Mission to consist of 2 days, 1 night

Day 1: Travel to San Francisco, CA and remain overnight, meal via room service

Day 2: Presentation of speech and preside over shareholder's meeting at hotel ballroom and catered luncheon with shareholders at hotel restaurant.

Day 2 dinner at local 4-diamond restaurant, 3 miles from hotel. Guests to include 2 corporate officers and 3 key shareholders by invitation. Following dinner, CEO and corporate officers will proceed to SF airport for 10:00pm departure and overnight flight back to New Haven, CT, refueling in Atlanta, GA.

Known intelligence:

Due to high tax concerns, the CEO has closed down a manufacturing plant in CT and relocated the facility to Butte, MT. All employees were either placed on early retirement or given two weeks of severance pay. The public perception is the relocation was handled "very heavy-handed" and without concern for the displaced employees.

The corporation has received several anonymous telephone threats against the CEO and has also received 3 anonymous letters threatening the life of the CEO and his family (wife and 2 teenaged children). One teen family member has reported seeing an unfamiliar car outside of home and at his school.

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Dissertation: Presentation of speech and preside over shareholders
Reference No:- TGS02854055

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