
Presentation and report - topic - security and usability

Presentation and Report

Topic - Security and usability are often in conflict

What do you need to do?

There are two assessables for this assignment:

1. The presentation

2. The report

Each topic is a question appropriate for a debate, and as such they need to be studied to look for arguments in favour and against something. The presentation and report should address the following:

1. An explanation of the question.

2. Arguments on both sides of the question.

3. An attempt to determine an answer to the question based on the arguments found.

4. How the material is related to topics covered in the lecture notes.

Presentation details -

The presentations will take place at the morning class.

Each group is to do at most a fifteen (15) minute presentation, aim for 13 or 14 minutes, followed by up to five (5) minutes for a question/discussion time. Question time should start with the group giving the class some questions/challenges to respond to. The reminder of the time is an opportunity for the rest of the class to ask questions.

Not all team members need to talk as part of the presentation, but all should contribute to the development of the presentation and the report, and, if needed, to the answering of questions.

Although the presentation and report are obviously to be related, the presentation should not be a dump of the report or vice-versa. Students should add value to the slide as they present and use appropriate visual aids to explain their presentation.

Report details

The report should be about 4000 to 6000 words long, plus references. If it's pure text you should likely be near the upper end of that range but in most cases you will be able to more efficiently represent some information in diagrams/tables/figures. There is no need to include a cover page on the submitted version since it will be submitted through Moodle. The report should include details that need to be omitted in the presentation due to the lack of time.

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Management Theories: Presentation and report - topic - security and usability
Reference No:- TGS02603232

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