
Presentation about system engineering and project

Topic - System engineering and project management

Presentation about an aspect of project management. You are required to submit a recording of your presentation as well as your resources for the presentation (slides, handouts etc.). All the research and preparation for the presentations must be completed and submitted in Moodle before the start of week 6. See the exact due date and time in Moodle and in the unit profile.

Your presentation can be about:

1. Any area of project management that is related to the weekly topics and adds a significant body of new material, a different perspective or depth to the information already covered in the course lecture material. It is important that you extend your knowledge and that of the class beyond what will be covered in this unit during the term.

There is scope to research and present more information about many of the weekly topics. For example, in the Quality Management week students may wish to investigate Six Sigma further or ICT students may wish to cover more detail about quality management in the Software Engineering discipline.

2. Any other topic that is related to project management that is approved by your tutor.

Some suggested topics include:
a. Oversight/Governance of Project Management
b. Project Value Management
c. International Projects
d. Systems Engineering and Project Management
e. Project Management for Construction and Plant Development (specialised topic appropriate for Engineering students only).
f. Project Procurement Management
g. Human Resource Management including topics such as:
i. Motivation theories
ii. Team building

In this assignment, you can also draw from your experiences and incorporate them into the assignment. If you don't have any work/project experience, that's fine too. You can also take the opportunity to be controversial and find academic and trade literature that challenges an aspect of the material you are presenting. Pose questions - make your audience think. Both on-campus and off-campus student, are required to produce the script for the presentation that should include some potential questions and responses indicating where you would pose questions to engage your audience. In addition, the end of the script is to include three potential questions (with their answers) that you would anticipate being asked by your audience at the end of the presentation.

Students should contact their local tutor on issues such as the membership of their group, selection of presentation topic, and schedule for their presentation. You must provide your tutor with the details of the members of your group and your top two preferred topics by the end of week two. This allows time for you to negotiate an alternative topic if necessary. The earlier you send the tutor details about your group and your preferred topic, the more likely you are to get your preferred topic. Your tutor will notify you about the topic and when your group is scheduled to present in class. The topics and presentation schedule must to be decided by the end of Week 3.

Off-campus/Distance students:The unit coordinator takes on the role of the tutor. Off-campus are not required to present in class, but are required to submit a recording of their presentation. It is an individual task for you. All recordings must be submitted by due date as mentioned in unit profile.

Attachment:- Presentation.rar

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