Present your learnings in either a power point or paper


Carefully read Chapter 3 in National School Board booklet on How School Works to plan a meeting with either a teacher or principal in a school. Interview the teacher or principal to learn about the school. Use the information in Chapter 3 to formulate your questions. Design a a series of questions for your interview based on what you learned in Chapter 3. Hold your interview. Present your learnings in either a power point or paper. Be sure to include your interview questions. Give a background of why you selected the school and background on the teacher or principal you interview. What did you learn about working in a school as an ABA from your interviews? Also include why you selected the school. Site your readings. Due to COVID, you can conduct your interview via phone or zoom/facetime.

The response should include a reference list. Using double-space, Times New Roman 12 pnt font, one-inch margins, and APA style of writing and citations.

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Other Subject: Present your learnings in either a power point or paper
Reference No:- TGS03076300

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