
Present your evidence for your assigned position consider

My last nae begins with L

This assignment stems from the current debate surrounding genetically modified organisms (GMO). What are GMOs? For this assignment, I would like for you to write a position paper with an assigned position (pro/con) about the use of GMOs. If your last name begins with A-L you will write a position paper in support of GMOs. If your last name begins with M-Z you will write a position paper that is against use of GMOs. Every paper needs to develop an argument using factual information using reliable scientific references. Please follow the outline provided below to understand what each section of your position paper needs to include. In your conclusion paragraph, I would also like you to weigh in with your personal thoughts about whether you agree or disagree with your assigned argument, if you would recommend GMOs, and why/why not. For this paper, I ask that you use appropriate references to reinforce your writing and support claims you might make

Particulars of the Assignment:

  • Roughly two pages, double spaced, 10 or 12 point font (Times New Roman) and no more than 1 inch margins. References should be cited in APA. Your name should be in the header in the top right.
  • Proper grammar, spelling, and generally good writing.
  • Sections should include: Introduction: An introductory section that defines a GMO (including how and why they were created) and introduces both positions considered in this paper (pro/con), while clearly identifying your assigned position. This should be based on at a minimum of two acceptable reference (see below - if you are not sure about your references, ask me).
  • Your assigned position: The use of GMOs may have positive and/or negative impacts on human health and the environment. Present your evidence for your assigned position. Consider both the short and long term impacts of your position.
  • The other-side: Every good argument is aware of what the "other-side" thinks, why that side supports it, AND can counter this information. In this paragraph you need to explain the other-side's argument and then counter that argument to support your assigned position. For your counter argument it may help you to consider the potential side effects or adverse effects of the other-side that may cause other problems, what potential harm may result and why? How does your assigned position overcome these issues?
  • Conclusion: In a concluding paragraph I would like you to state which position you were assigned, then reflect on this paper and share what you personally think. Do you agree with the position you were assigned? Would you recommend GMOs and why/why not? Be sure to include which evidence you found the most convincing and why.
  • References should be cited in APA and should include:Reputable magazine or newspaper that routinely covers nutrition and health related information (NY Times, SELF Magazine, Prevention, Men's Health, Women's Health, etc.).
  • Scientific or clinical journal (Journal of Nutrition, JAMA, etc.) *MUST USE AT LEAST 1*
  • Textbook - other than used in our course.
  • Notes...I do not use a formal rubric as I like the flexibility of looking at a paper in its entirety.
  • You will do well to use section headings to outline your paper and clarify your thoughts.
  • The minimum number of references is truly a minimum - to truly get an understanding it helps to read multiple sources.

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Biology: Present your evidence for your assigned position consider
Reference No:- TGS02475165

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