Assignment 1.
Part 1. The Description of your Business Concept (2 pages single-spaced, please include subheadings) 10%.
- Describe your product or service in a paragraph or two. Ref. pages 274-279.
- Present the Mission of your business, e.g. fundamental reason for being; and a Vision statement, what you hope your business will become.
- Describe the features or cost benefits of your product or service. Ref. pages 188-197.
- Describe the value benefits of your product or service. E.g. why would someone pay for or buy your product/service over your competitors. Ref. pages 188-197
- Will your business be 1) an online business; 2) an on-ground business; or, 3) a combination of both? Explain.
- Provide the six-digit NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) number for your business. NAICS numbers may be found at the following site:
Locate the "keyword box" in the upper left hand corner and enter a keyword describing your business, e.g. health food, pet products and this will lead you to your NAICS number.