
Present speech with the intention of altering the beliefs

Assignment Task:


Each student will prepare and present a speech with the intention of altering the beliefs, attitudes or behaviors of the audience. The specific purpose it to persuade the audience about a significant topic, preferably about one which they have little or no prior knowledge.  This speech goes beyond merely informing the audience, but rather your presentation should have a "call to action" or inspire a "change in beliefs"; in other words, something that you want the audience to do or belief after they hear your argument.


Topic: There are a few banned topics that you are not allowed to utilize for this speech. They include: abortion, smoking, seat belts, drunk driving, organ donation, blood donation, stem cell research, sun screen, alcohol consumption). Then instructor reserves the right to add topics to the prohibited list. NOTE: There is a fine line between informing versus persuading (i.e. to inform the audience about the types of diseases caused by smoking versus to persuade the audience to stop or not start smoking).  

Organization: See Chapters 15 and 16 VoiceThread presentations/notes for the various patterns of organization from which you can choose to structure your speech; for example, problem-solution, Monroe's Motivated Sequence, Causal, Comparative, etc.).

Time Limit: 6 - 8 minutes. Speeches that run short of long will be penalized 10 percent of the assignment (15 points). You are granted a 30 second window either over or under the time limit. You will be given time cures to aid you with staying on time, but you must practice and time yourself to ensure that you are within the time limit.

Visual Aids: At least one presentational aid must be used in your presentation. Please refer to Chapter 13 and VoiceThread notes for guidelines for both preparing and presenting visual aids. 

Research/sources: A minimum of five sources are required for this assignment.  Start your search for a topic and information gathering/research at the SIRS Issues Researcher database on the Butte College library's website. If you are accessing the library's website from off campus, it may require you to log into your MyBC portal. This is an excellent resource for learning about current controversial topics along with both sides of the issue of contention. Not to mention, all the research for each topic is nicely organized for you ease and convenience. And don't forget that your references must be cited within the oral text of the speech, the body of the outline, and the reference page. (See the Citing sources orally  Download Citing sources orally hand-out and the Butte College Library APA Style Guide. for help.)

Notecards: No more than 15 3x5 or 4x6 notecards. (One side only.) (The instructor reserves the right to ask for notecards if it appears as though you have written your speech out word for word.  Remember you are expected to have extemporaneous delivery.)

Outline: A full-sentence outline is due for this speech. Your reference page (in APA style) must be attached. Please see the Persuasive Speech Outline assignment for the description and sample student outlines.

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Other Subject: Present speech with the intention of altering the beliefs
Reference No:- TGS03446354

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