
Present one table showing the results of an ancova based on


Download the data set divorce-studentversion from this week's resources. Review both the Data View and the Variable View to obtain a general understanding of the data.

This assignment will focus once again on life satisfaction and current family income. Based on a recent review of the literature, the researcher now has reason to believe the number of children is a possible confounding variable in the relationship between life satisfaction and current family income.

Since the number of children is part of this data set, the researcher can use number of children as a covariant in an ANCOVA and mediate its impact as a possible confounding variable. In all of the analyses conducted in this assignment, be sure to select the option providing a measure of effect size (Eta) and the homogeneity test (Levene's test).

Using the General Linear Model/univariate, conduct an ANCOVA to analyze the influence of current family income on life satisfaction with number of children as a co-variant.

Using scholarly writing and proper APA format, complete, and then submit the following:

1. Present one table showing the results of an ANCOVA based on current family income on life satisfaction with number of children as a co-variant, including Eta.

2. Provide a narrative discussion of the table, including effect size, the results of the Levene test, and the observed change in the F-value of current family income when the number of children was used as a co-variant.

3. Include an appendix that contains all SPSS output (copied and pasted) for the items above.

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Dissertation: Present one table showing the results of an ancova based on
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