
Present major smart goals for the proposed program


Present at least three major SMART goals for the proposed program, To make sure your goals are clear and reachable, each one should be: Specific (simple, sensible, significant). Measurable (meaningful, motivating). Achievable (agreed, attainable). Relevant (reasonable, realistic, and resourced, results-based). Time-bound (time-based, time-limited, time/cost limited, timely, time-sensitive). with at least three measurable outcome objectives for each goal to be accomplished over a one-year period (Remember: "A goal is a dream and an objective is a dream with a deadline!") related to your Implementation Plan. What to Do Icon Define your Goals Now is time to define the goals and objectives for your program this template will walk you through the process of developing specific measurable achievable realistic and time-based objectives once you have created the goals for your program Why Icon Think about understanding the needs of your population and how to help it is time to think about objectives and activities needed to accomplish your goal

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Reference No:- TGS03339522

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