
Present both positions examining the strengths and

Have U.S. laws and court rulings been effective in achieving workplace diversity and inclusion? For this assignment, write a minimum 750-word paper, discussing the following two positions: 

Yes, U.S. laws and court rulings have been effective in achieving workplace diversity and inclusion.

No, U.S. laws and court rulings have not been effective in achieving workplace diversity and inclusion. Begin by researching both positions. In keeping with the Model II mental model, be sure to suspend judgment.

Do not select your concluding position until you have objectively discussed each position in your paper.

At the end of the position paper, you will conclude by identifying the position that was best supported by the research. Incorporate a minimum of six library resources into your position paper. (The Unit III Required Readings may be included among the six resources.)

For your position paper, you will discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each position. Because you will be closely examining both positions before your conclusion about the position you most support, at least two of your references should support the yes position, and at least two of your references should support the no position.

This will enable you to provide an engaging discussion of both positions before you draw conclusions. Include the following elements in your position paper:

1. Introduce the topic.

2. Present both positions, examining the strengths and weaknesses of each position (i.e., both the yes and the no positions). Incorporate a minimum of six library resources into your position paper, with at least two resources supporting each position. Cite the sources, and provide supporting evidence that supports and contests each position.

3. After the above discussion, identify the position that you think is best supported by your research. Explain in depth your rationale for supporting this position.

4. Conclude, and integrate any recommendations you have for moving forward. Your paper should be in APA style, be sure to cite all your sources.

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Dissertation: Present both positions examining the strengths and
Reference No:- TGS02854011

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