
Present a statistical analysis of mental health prevalence

Assignment task:

For this question, you will take the role of a researcher preparing to present a statistical analysis of mental health prevalence rates obtained from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) at the same conference as the researcher in Activity 1.3. You will prepare a single PowerPoint slide and accompanying transcript to present an analysis of some major depression prevalence data provided. You do not need to collect any data or perform any statistical analysis for yourself. The research question for this question is: 'Is there a difference in the prevalence of major depression between 15 - 49 and 50 - 69 age groups?'

a) For this question part, you are required to prepare a PowerPoint slide using the template provided and copy it into your TMA Word document (i.e. do not submit it as a separate file). Further information on what to include in your slide can be found on the next page. Your slide should contain the following components:

  • an appropriate title
  • distribution plots of the data sets that you have selected for your analysis, correctly labelled
  • means, standard deviations (SDs) and results of the tests for normality and equality of variance
  • the results of the appropriate statistical test that you selected
  • the source of data, a conclusion, and statement of whether your analysis supports or refutes the null hypothesis.

Which statistical analysis test would be best suited to the data below? Students t-test, Mann-Whitney U-test or Welch's t-test?

I thought Mann-Whitney, is this correct?

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Other Subject: Present a statistical analysis of mental health prevalence
Reference No:- TGS03351320

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