
Present a description of the company this will include a

Introduction to Business Company Research Project

Your assignment is to pick a company, research it and write a brief analysis of the company. The information you will use is a MarketLine Report on the company of your choice. These reports can be found in the college's research databases. To access a Datamonitor report:

Go to the Wor-Wic homepage: Select ‘Quick Links' 'Library Services' 'Research Databases' ‘Business'

'Business Source Premier'

Select the ‘Company Profiles' tab at the top of the screen

Select a company by either typing the name in the search window or using the alphabet listing to browse.

Click on ‘MarketLine Report' (Left side of page) to access the company profile. Print the report or save it to your computer or flash drive if you like.

The assignment is divided into 3 sections.

Section 1: Present a company overview. Include the primary revenue generating activities of the business (what they do), the sales revenue, the profits earned, and a Return on Sales number. (You may report this directly from the Datamonitor Report but you may have to calculate the ROS # - see chapter 17)

Section 2: Present a description of the company. This will include a brief history, a description of its major products and services and how they are organized. Include the CEO's compensation.

Create two organizational charts with two levels (chapter 7). For the first chart, the top level will be the Corporation name and the second level will be the business divisions. For the second chart, the top level will be the Corporation name and the second level will be the geographic locations.

Section 3: Develop an analysis of the company's future prospects. Include where they earn their revenue (U.S. or abroad), what they do well and where they are vulnerable. You can find this information in the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats section of the MarketLine report. .


a. APA report format

b. 2 - 3 pages

c. Access the Wor-Wic web site for more information on APA Formatting: https://www.worwic.edu/Media/Documents/LibraryResources/APA%20Style.pdf

d. Reminder: You should not copy the exact content, but instead summarize your findings in your own words.

a. If you use the exact wording, you must put it in quotations and use an internal citation

e. Be sure to preview and proofread your paper.

f. Upload and submit the assignment through the assignment link in Blackboard.


Writing and reading assistance can be found in the Writing lab in AAB 225. Schedule a writing conference here: https://www.worwic.edu/Login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fStudents%2fLearningResources%2f WritingConferences.aspx

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Business Management: Present a description of the company this will include a
Reference No:- TGS01707483

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