
Preparing to search for a job requires building a network

Planning Your Internship or Job Search

Read the overview below and complete the activities that follow.

Preparing to search for a job requires building a network of contacts; analyzing your skills, abilities, and interests; and finding an employer. In this activity, you will be asked to do some planning for your own search for an internship or a job.


Analyzing your case requires an understanding of the following concepts related to the preliminary activities in a job search:

-What a network of contacts is and how to acquire one.

-What you need to analyze about yourself to find the right internship or job.

-Where you can look to find an employer for whom you want to work.

Read the case below and answer the questions in the quiz that follows.

You are likely at a point in your life where you are ready to seek an internship or perhaps even your first full-time, post-college position. Before you can send your résumé and cover letter to potential employers, you must do some preliminary work to ensure that you target positions suitable to your skills, interests, and abilities. This work includes developing a network of personal contacts, analyzing yourself, and locating the right employer. The following questions should enable you to complete the preliminary work to find a job or internship that’s right for you.

1. List five people or sources you might count in your network of contacts and who would be able to help you find internship or job leads.

2. When analyzing yourself, what do you need to examine regarding your education, personal qualities, work experience, and special qualifications?

3. What are three sources you can use to find an employer? Tell how each source is helpful and list any disadvantage of each source.

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