
Preparing tax returns for howard street jewelers

Please read the case study illustrated below and answer the following question.

Lore Levi was worried as she scanned the March 1983 bank statement for the Howard Street Jewelers.1 For more than four decades, she and her husband, Julius, had owned and operated the small business. Certainly the business had experienced ups and downs before, but now it seemed to be in a downward spiral from which it could not recover. In previous times when sales had slackened, the Levis had survived by cutting costs here and there. But now, despite several measures the Levis had taken to control costs, the business’s cash position continued to steadily worsen. If a turnaround did not occur soon, Mrs. Levi feared that she and her husband might be forced to close their store. Mrs. Levi had a theory regarding the financial problems of Howard Street Jewelers. On more than one occasion, she had wondered whether Betty the cashier, a trusted and reliable employee for nearly 20 years, might be stealing from the cash register. To Mrs. Levi, it was a logical assumption. Besides working as a part-time sales clerk, Betty handled all of the cash that came into the business and maintained the cash receipts and sales records. If anybody had an opportunity to steal from the business, it was Betty. Reluctantly, Mrs. Levi approached her husband about her theory. Mrs. Levi pointed out to Julius that Betty had unrestricted access to the cash receipts of the business. Additionally, over the previous few years, Betty had developed a taste for more expensive clothes and more frequent and costly vacations. Julius quickly dismissed his wife’s speculation. To him, the possibility that Betty could be stealing from the business seemed preposterous. A frustrated Mrs. Levi then raised the subject with her son, Alvin, who worked side by side with his parents in the family business. Alvin responded similarly to his father and warned his mother that she was becoming paranoid.

Near the end of each year, the Levis met with their accountant to discuss various matters, -principally taxation issues. The Levis placed considerable trust in the CPA who served as their accountant; for almost 40 years he had given them solid, professional advice on a wide range of accounting and business matters. It was only natural for Mrs. Levi to confide in the accountant about her suspicions regarding Betty the cashier. The accountant listened intently to Mrs. Levi and then commented that he had noticed occasional shortages in the cash receipts records that seemed larger than normal for a small retail business. Despite Julius’s protestations that Betty could not be responsible for any cash shortages, the accountant encouraged the Levis to closely monitor her work.

Embezzlements are often discovered by luck rather than by design. So it was with the Howard Street Jewelers. In the spring of 1985, a customer approached the cash register and told Alvin Levi that she wanted to make a payment on a layaway item. Alvin, who was working the cash register because it was Betty’s day off, searched the file of lay-away sales tickets and the daily sales records but found no trace of the customer’s lay-away purchase. Finally, he apologized and asked the customer to return the next day when Betty would be back at work. The following day, Alvin told Betty that he was unable to find the lay-away sales ticket. Betty expressed surprise and said she would search for the ticket herself. Within a few minutes, Betty approached Alvin, waving the sales ticket in her hand. Alvin was stumped. He had searched the lay-away sales file several times and simply could not accept Betty’s explanation that the missing ticket had been there all along. Suspicious as well, was the fact that the sale had not been recorded in the sales records—a simple oversight, Betty had explained. As Alvin returned to his work, a troubling and sickening sensation settled into the pit of his stomach. Over the next several weeks, Alvin studied the daily sales and cash receipts records. He soon realized that his mother had been right all along. Betty, the trusted, reliable, longtime cashier of the Howard Street Jewelers, was stealing from the business. The estimated embezzlement loss suffered by Howard Street Jewelers over the term of Betty’s employment approached $350,000.

Problem: When Mrs. Levi informed the CPA of her suspicions regarding Betty, what responsibilities, if any, did the CPA have to pursue this matter? In addition to preparing tax returns for Howard Street Jewelers, alternately assume that the CPA (a) audited the business’s annual financial statements, (b) reviewed the annual financial statements, and (c) compiled the annual financial statements.

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Business Law and Ethics: Preparing tax returns for howard street jewelers
Reference No:- TGS01757759

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