
Preparing racially and ethnically diverse communities


Application: Ethical, Legal, and Multicultural Challenges in a Crisis

To prepare for this assignment:

Review the sections of the Stafford Act noted in the Learning Resources for this week to understand the crisis response criterion set forth by the federal government.

•Review the article, "Legal and Ethical Implications of Refusing to Counsel Homosexual Clients" in order to understand the principles of nonmaleficence, justice, respect for autonomy, and beneficence as they apply to counselors' ethical behavior.

•Review the article, "Preparing Racially and Ethnically Diverse Communities for Public Health Emergencies" to examine the gaps in emergency preparedness initiatives for racially and ethnically diverse communities and the considerations that should be taken in order to close these gaps.

•Review the article, "Counselors" Values Profile: Implications for Counseling Ethnic Minority Clients' to examine the attribute of counselors' self-awareness and its respect to working with ethnically diverse clients.

•Review Chapter 10 in your course text, Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape, and consider the legal issues and organizational ethics challenges that may arise during a crisis.

•Review the media presentation, "PTSD 101: General Cross-Cultural Considerations" to understand the considerations that counselors should take when working with culturally diverse clients.

•Review the article, "Critical Incident Analysis Based Training: An Approach for Developing Active Racial/Cultural Analysis," and think about the role that CIABT has in assisting counselors and students in overcoming challenges in multicultural awareness.

The assignment: (3 pages)

Provide an analysis of the ethical, legal, and multicultural challenges/barriers that are relevant in crisis management and response.

•Then explain methods by which counselors can help overcome these ethical, legal, and multicultural challenges/barriers when managing and responding to crises.

Website: Stafford Act


Title IV: Major Disaster Assistance Programs - Sections 401, 402, 403, 416, 426, and 427 ?Subtitle E: Stafford Act Amendments - Section 689

Course Text: Crisis Management in the New Strategy Landscape
"The Underlying Role of Ethics in Crisis Management"


Narrated PowerPoint: Whealin, J. (n.d.). PTSD 101: General Cross-Cultural Considerations. Retrieved from the National Center for PTSD website
at https://www.ptsd.va.gov/PTSD/professional/continuing_ed/cross-cultural-considerations.asp

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are required to provide a reference list and to appropriately cite, APA style, all references used within your assignment.

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Other Subject: Preparing racially and ethnically diverse communities
Reference No:- TGS01966366

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