
Preparing business plan using business plan management tool

This assignment deals with the Importance of a well-researched and composed business plan, financial planning and project Management, for a typical UK Engineering Company utilising the ‘Business Plan’ management tool.

Assignment Brief

You represent a respected and prominent company in the engineering sector. You will have to select an engineering company; Name, Type etc. You can also write about a fictitious company and it is not necessary to provide hard evidence from the company you use.

Assignment Topics: Writing a Business Plan followed by the financial planning and project Management.

The business plan should include the topics below:

• Vision and Mission Statement

• Company Image and Corporate Culture

• Planning Phase; Setting Objectives

• Organizing; Structure & Resources

• Leadership, Communication & HRM

Control; Standards and Monitoring

While the Financial planning and project Management should be as followed:

• Annexure 1: Do a Gantts Chart, project-managing the Budget process. This task should include a well designed chart with tables and discussion. Budgeting therefore is identified as a project to be managed with the ‘Gants Chart’ management tool.

• Annexure 2: Do a complete budget for the company you described in the Business Plan. You will have to show the profit and loss account, Balance Sheet along with discussions on the budget as a policy document covering the essence of Management (planning, organisation, leadership and control).

• Annexure 3: Write policy guidelines for Heads of Departments on:

• Cash Flow and Capital Investment

• Stock Control and Depreciation.

These annexure should be presented as working policy documents and should supplement the Business Plan to the extent that the assignments together cover the bulk of the company policy statement.

Your final document must be a formal Business Plan, in the format of which you should research and select a format you prefer, this plan must reflect a professional approach with:

• cover page

• index , appendices and list of tables, figures, imagery & diagrams

• Reference list

See an example on weblog, but research your own format:


This is a personal skills exercise and you will have to demonstrate the following in the report:

• Ability to think creatively

• Ability to transfer your thoughts into a report, presentation and a convincing policy creation and changing end result in favour of company growth and improvement.

• Ability to converse and write on the topic to an acceptable English language standard.

• Ability to create and present your own work; although you work in teams each student submission must be authentic.

• Ability to learn from all topic presentations and reflect the improved perspective in your own work. We strive to realise synergism and its advantages within group study; learn from and with fellow students.

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Other Management: Preparing business plan using business plan management tool
Reference No:- TGS01957

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