You will be preparing an Annotated Bibliography for five pieces of literature published in scholarly journals. This excludes books, websites, summaries and the like. To locate the articles, use the information listed below to perform database searches to locate articles relative to the motor skill you are teaching or methods for teaching motor skills. The articles should be useful for informing the teaching of your skill so in your cursory review of the literature make sure you only use articles which include information which will be helpful to you. For each individual article provide a full apa-stylestyle reference for the journal article then below provide an assessment and synthesis of the key aspects of the data contained within. Amongst other relevant information, this should include the population, methods, and key findings. Once you've completed this for each bibliography reference, write a combined reflection of how all of the information is expected to enhance your ability to teach the motor skill you have chosen. A reasonable length for this summary is one page, however it is more essential to write a thoughtful and critical summary rather than target the page length alone. The summary portion is what you will want to include with your written Teaching a Motor Skill project submission. Totally of five annotated bibliography. My motor skill is shooting a free throw