
Preparing a withdrawal form

Assignment Task:

I need help preparing a Withdrawal form using the information from the case we have been following since Unit 2. Instructions: In the final assignment for our Distracted Daisy case, you will prepare a Withdrawal form.

Our case settled as a result of a successful pretrial conference.

The parties are happy, and the court is happy as well to remove the case from the court docket.

The law firms are also happy to be able to close their files! Attorney Betty Best has asked you to prepare the form. Using the link that is provided in Unit 8, pull up the Withdrawal Form, JD-CV-41, and complete it using the following information:

The plaintiff's action is withdrawn as to all defendants without costs to any party. Name of case is Robert Robot v. Daisy Dunn Return date: February 26, 2019 Docket Number: MMX-CV-19-567890 Check box for JD, One Court Street, Middletown, CT06457 Prepared by Attorney Betty Best of Barry, Best and McGuire, 1 Main Street, Middletown, CT 06457, Tel. # 860-123-4567, and signed on June 5, 2020.

Remember to certify a copy to be mailed/delivered on June 5, 2020 to: David Protector, Esq., Law Firm of David Protector, 4 Smith Street, Middletown, CT 06457

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Other Subject: Preparing a withdrawal form
Reference No:- TGS03387524

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