
Preparing a performance budget


(Critiquing a Report; Preparing a Performance Budget) of the e-book and discuss the first question.

Exchange Corp. is a company that acts as a facilitator in tax-favored real estate swaps. Such swaps, known as 1031 exchanges, permit participants to avoid some or all of the capital gains taxes that would otherwise be due. The bookkeeper for the company has been asked to prepare a report for the company to help its owner / manager analyze performance. The first such report appears below:

Exchange Corp
Analysis of Revenues and Costs
For the month ended May 31

Planning Budget Actual Unit
Unit Revenues    Revenues & Costs    Variances
And Costs
Exchanges completed    40    50
Revenue    $395    $385    $10 U
Legal and Search fees    165    184    19 U
Offfice expenses    135    112    23 F
Equipment depreciation    10    8    2 F
Rent    45    36    9 F
Insurance    5    4    1 F
Total Expense    360    344    16 F
Net operating income    $35    $41    $6 F

Note that the revenues and costs in the above report are unit revenues and costs. For example, the average office expense is $135 per exchange completed on the planning budget; whereas, the average actual office expense is $112 per exchange completed. Legal and search fees in a variable cost; office expenses is a mixed cost; and equipment depreciation, rent, and insurance are fixed costs. In the planning budget, the fixed component of office expenses was $5,200. All of the company's revenues come from fees collected when an exchange is completed.

1. Evaluate the report prepared by the bookkeeper.

2. Prepare a performance report that would help the owner/manager assess the performance of the company in May.

3. Using the report you created, evaluate the performance of the company in May.

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Accounting Basics: Preparing a performance budget
Reference No:- TGS01921324

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