
Preparing a data file in spss

Assignment Task 1: Data File Preparation

This assignment is designed to provide you experience with preparing a data file in SPSS. Assignment requires you to conduct statistical analyses in SPSS. Data files must be cleaned prior to beginning your data analysis or your results may be incorrect and misleading. Therefore, this assignment will begin to give you a foundation and comfort with working in SPSS.

Data file preparation will be done using the SPSS file called "Music CD Data.sav." The dataset contains the responses of 445 people to a questionnaire "Music CD Questionnaire.doc." The variables need to be labeled and coded according to the guidelines in the file "Music CD Codebook.xls." The data file needs to be cleaned according to the guidelines in the handout "Preparing SPSS Data Files."

Specifically, you must:

1) Provide a brief description for each variable. This description should be entered in the "Label" column of the Variable View worksheet. Descriptions should correspond to the Codebook and Questionnaire files.

2) Provide values for the variables with "codes." These values should be entered in the "Values" column of the Variable View worksheet. Values should correspond to the coded values in the Codebook file.

3) Delete any out-of-range values or logical inconsistencies in the data. See the handout "Preparing SPSS Data Files" for more details.

Assignment Task 2: Analyzing and Reporting Research Data

This assignment is designed to provide you experience with data analysis using SPSS. You will be using the cleaned and prepared SPSS file that you created as part of Data Assignment 1 for these analyses. Be sure you are using the correct file or your results will be incorrect.

Your data file should contain the responses of 445 people to the questionnaire "Music Questionnaire.docx," and coded according to the guidelines in the file "Music Codebook.xlsx." Answer the following questions in a typed report. Attachments, tables, and RELEVANT SPSS outputs (if you give me 20 pages of SPSS outputs that have nothing to do with the question, I will downgrade your assignment) are to be clearly labeled and numbered, and included. Note that the most common word below is "explain."

IMPORTANT NOTICE: This assignment is to be completed independently of others.

1. Compute an age variable ("d_age") that identifies the age of each respondent. Create a summary table describing the background characteristics of respondents using the demographic variables (D2 - D5) and the d_age variable. For age, the most useful information to report is the average age and the age range, i.e., youngest and oldest respondents.

2. Conduct a cross-tab analysis to determine whether there is a relationship between sex (D2) and reasons for purchasing the music (V2). What is the obtained χ2 statistic? Is there a statistically significant relationship between sex and reason for purchasing music CDs/digital albums at the 95% confidence level? Explain the results of the cross-tab analysis. What is the most popular reason for purchasing CDs/digital albums for men? For women? Create a table that expresses the results of your cross-tab. In addition, attach a copy of your SPSS output for this analysis.

3. Does the average price respondents paid for music CDs/digital albums (V14) differ based on where the music was purchased (V6)? Conduct a one-way ANOVA analysis to test the hypothesis that the average price paid for a CDs/digital albums is the same regardless of where the CDs/digital albums are purchased. Include a post hoc Tukey test for mean differences, and under "Options" request descriptive statistics. First, is the overall ANOVA significant? What is the obtained F-statistic? If the overall ANOVA test is significant, look at the post hoc tests for mean differences. Explain the results. For which type of store do respondents spend, on average, the most amount of money for music CDs/digital albums? Is this average price statistically significantly different (at a 95% confidence level) from the average price paid at other store types? Attach a copy of your SPSS output for this analysis.

4. Is there a difference in the average number of music CDs/digital albums owned by men and women (V16 and D2)? Conduct an independent samples t-test to test the hypothesis that men and women own the same number of music CDs/digital albums. What is the obtained t-value? Explain the results of this test. Attach a copy of your SPSS output for this analysis.

5.When making CDs/digital albums purchase, which is more important - a friend's recommendation (V15c) or the price (V15d)?

a. Conduct a paired-samples t-test to test the hypothesis that the importance of a friend's recommendation and the price of CDs/digital albums is the same. What is the obtained t-value? Explain the results. Is either factor more important at the 95% confidence level? Attach a copy of your SPSS output for this analysis.

b. Now test for sex differences in importance factors. Split the file by sex and conduct the same paired t-test to test whether the importance of a friend's recommendation and the price of the CDs/digital albums are equally important for men, and whether the importance of a friend's recommendation and the price of the CDs/digital albums are equally important for women. What is the obtained t-value for the men? The women? Explain the results. Is either factor more important for the men or for the women at the 95% confidence level? Attach a copy of your SPSS output for this analysis.

6. Is satisfaction with music CDs/digital albums purchase (V12a) related to the amount of time spent making the decision (V9), or the number of times a person has listened to the music (V11)? Conduct a correlation analysis among these three variables. Explain the results. Attach a copy of your SPSS output for this analysis.

7. Run a regression analysis to explain the number of CDs/digital albums purchased in the last 12 months (V13) using the number of CDs/digital albums owned (V16), V22d ("I know the names of new musical artists before other people do"), the number of spontaneous purchases made in the last month (V24), age, sex (D2), and monthly discretionary income (D5) as independent predictor variables. Is the regression model significant at the 95% level? If yes, approximately how much of the variance in the number of CDs/digital albums purchased in the past year can be explained by the included variables? Which variables are significant predictors of the dependent variable at the 95% level? Explain the results of the regression analysis. Attach a copy of your SPSS output for this analysis.

8. Based on the above analysis, what are your strategic recommendations? How would you use the results from this analysis to prepare a promotional campaign? Who is your target audience? Write up a marketing strategy that draws on your analysis for justification.

9. Overall quality of the report.

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Other Subject: Preparing a data file in spss
Reference No:- TGS03026712

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