Assignment task:
Write briefing note for the federal Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness regarding options for improving policing services and engagement with the public on the part of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police Force (RCMP). The RCMP have had a series of high-profile issues that have been of great concern to the public. These include:
- Failure to issue an Emergency Alert during a mass shooting event in Nova Scotia.
- Brenda Lucki was appointed with great fanfare as the first woman commissioner of the RCMP but later experienced allegations of bowing to political interference. She announced her resignation days before the release of report of the public inquiry into the use of the Emergencies Act following the convoy occupation of Parliament Hill in Ottawa.
- There have also been complaints of sexual assault, racism, internalized misogyny, and homophobia which continue plague the organization.
- The force has also experienced issues with recruitment.
To argue for options for improving policing in Canada and create better public engagement with Canadians. If you wish to cite sources, please use the American Sociological Association Style
Please include the following sections:
- Department (centered at the top)
- Issue (being addressed)
- Purpose (of the briefing note) Summary (of findings)
- Background (research on the topic)
- Strategic Considerations (that impact the decision including stakeholder views)
- Consultation (who did you consult with)
- Departmental Position (what is the bureaucracy recommending to the premier's office?)
- Conclusion
- Recommendations
- Next Steps
- Prepared by
- Date