
Prepare your teaching philosophy in two parts create a

To complete this Assignment:

Prepare your teaching philosophy in two parts.

Create a one-page list of beliefs that comprise your teaching philosophy.

Write statements that address the following:

Your beliefs about the purpose of education

Your beliefs about the role of a teacher

Your beliefs about children that serve as your guiding principles for reaching and teaching every student

Your beliefs about the ethical responsibilities of a teacher

Your beliefs how teachers make instructional decisions based on the developmental domains of their individual students

Your beliefs about your mission to promote positive change as a teacher

Review your Strengths Finder results and Discussion 1.

Using the Walden Course Paper template, write a narrative explanation of your teaching philosophy. Include the following points and cite Learning Resources in APA style:

Summarize your overall teaching philosophy.

Explain each set of beliefs that make up your teaching philosophy.

For each set of beliefs, describe specific influences that shape your current thinking.

Include your Strengths Finder results and describe how these can make you an effective professional educator.

Cite references presented in the resources that most closely align with your thinking.

Cite one or more education theorists discussed in the text whose concepts and work have the most influence on your teaching philosophy.

Explain how you can use your philosophy statement of beliefs as a "living" document for supporting your reflection and self-assessment as a developing teacher professional.

Assignment is a Word document in two parts: 1-page statement of beliefs and 2 pages explaining your teaching philosophy.

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Dissertation: Prepare your teaching philosophy in two parts create a
Reference No:- TGS02664874

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