
Prepare your companys mission statement and provide a

Assignment: "Company Description"

Throughout this course, you will develop a series of written papers / projects that you will later combine into a complete business plan for a Non-Alcoholic Beverage company. For this discussion, you must first review the "NAB Company Portfolio". The mentioned portfolio contains the company parameters and details you must follow when developing your company. Provide the following information to set the foundation for your non-alcoholic beverage (NAB) business plan.

Please respond to the following:

• Create your NAB company name and explain its significance.
• Develop your company's Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components.


(The NAB Company Portfolio will have lists of things that the BUS599 students would be able to sort through to conduct a SWOT Analysis and to apply to appropriate sections of the NAB Business Plan. )

Note #1:

This is the compilation of Data, Notes, and Information that have been put together to create a Business Plan for a start-up company in the non-alcoholic beverage industry.

The goal of my business plan is twofold: 1. To help identify and outline all the issues I will need to address in starting this company. 2. To present to funders to help raise money to finance this company.

NAB Background: Melinda Cates has been selling her NAB at County Fairs for the past 7 years for $2 a bottle. She sells an average of 10 Cardboard cartons each weekend a County Fair is open. From her calculations, it takes $.56 to make a bottle of NAB when she calculates all the NAB ingredients and the cost of the bottle and cap. Her rich uncle, Bill, just died and left her a small monetary inheritance. However, since he so enjoyed her home-made NAB, he also left her equipment to start a small NAB business. Melinda and I have been close, trusted friends for years. She found out that I just earned my MBA from Strayer University, and she asked me to help her get her NAB business up and running. I have agreed to put together a NAB Business Plan, and I have agreed to be the CEO/President of the company for at least the next five years.

I intend to have employees and develop my own organizational hierarchy.

• I intend to raise money. I will be looking for funding, and I have already started with friends and family money. But at some point I will need funds from outside investors, either angels or venture capitalists, depending on how much I project I need to raise or receive from a group of individual investors on kickstarter.

• Business size. I can grow the NAB business to any size in excess of one million dollars in revenue by year two. In other words, this cannot be intended to be a one- or two-person micro-business.

• Market size. I will start marketing and selling the NAB in my geographical area within a 100 mile radius from my home address

• Product: the only barrier is that it must be a non-alcoholic beverage (NAB). It is up to me to decide upon what type of non-alcoholic beverage I intend to make and market. It can be sold in individual sizes or wholesale.

• The business is a start-up: We are not yet in operation. We already have a "recipe" for a beverage, but we are not yet making sales at any significant level.

•NAB Today: Parameters for New Company Here are the parameters in which I must work.


I do not need to raise money for my personal financial support for the first six months. In other words, I do not need to take a salary/draw for myself for six months of projections. I am assuming I can live off my personal savings.

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Business Management: Prepare your companys mission statement and provide a
Reference No:- TGS02349773

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