Margaret O'Hara has been divorced for about two years. She is 28 years old and her address is 979 Adams Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202. Additional information about Ms. O'Hara is as follows:
- Social security number: 412-34-5670
- Date of birth: 6/1/1984
- Alimony received = 24,000.00
- W-2 for Margaret shows these amounts:
- wages(box 1) = 38,000.00
- Federal W/H(box 2) = 9,500.00
- Social security wages (box 3) = 38,000.00
- Social security W/H (box 4) = 1,596.00
- Medicare wages (box 5) = 38,000.00
- Medicare W/H (box 6) = 511.00
Prepare the tax return for Ms. O'Hara using the appropriate form. She does not want to contribute to the presidential election campaign.