
Prepare the student to analyze and discuss the application


Please introduce yourself to the class and tell us what you would like to share about your family, your personal interests. Also, please tell us whatever else you would like to share with us at FNU!

Also, discuss a professional practice issue of the nurse practitioner as a prescriber. Also for part of this discussion it is required a reply to one classmate.

Support answers with two cited peer reviewed journals. Please see Rubric in Course Syllabus.

The objective of this question is to prepare the student to analyze and discuss the application of the discussion as stated in the discussion board for each week.

Support answers with two cited peer reviewed journals. Students need to state they acknowledge having read the course syllabus in the initial post.

The first initial discussion is a personal post. The student will have to submit their required initial question response before they can see the answers of their other classmates.

Once the student have submitted their first post, they can see the other students' posts and they can reply to one required post.

Itis advised that the student writes their initial discussion boardthreadin a MicrosoftWord,andthen"cutandpaste?it intothe discussion textboxwithintheDiscussionBoardtoavoidanytechnical problems thatmightend upwiththe entireassignmentdisappearing.

The initial postMUST include the main concepts in this rubric. The discussion should have two references within past 5 years in APA 6th Format. May use one book as a reference source and a minimum of two references.

The initial post should be posted no later than Tuesday of the discussion week with a minimum of 2 paragraphs. Late submission of the initial post will be deducted 5% of the grade for each day late.

In the reply post, the student will respond with a significantly important reflection to advance nursing practice related to the topic. If the student disagrees with the response of the classmate the response should be addressed in a respectful manner.

The student should reply to the classmate on what or on what basis they disagree with their reply. The reply post should be a minimum of two paragraphs with cited reference in each paragraph.

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Dissertation: Prepare the student to analyze and discuss the application
Reference No:- TGS02598198

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