You need a reort if 10 pages and above. the report about colorimeter specificly measuring spesific heat. anything you need will be provided. format sample has been will be provided. and a report sapmle will be provided too. money is not a problem.
This section is included for the purpose of identifying and/or recognizing those who have helped, assisted or provided support to the design team in the execution of the senior capstone project.
General Formatting
Your report must be in suitable condition for binding and printed on one side only (i.e., no double-sided printing). Textual material may be formatted "ragged-right" or "flush" with the right margin. This choice may be influenced by the typesetting capabilities of the software used to prepare your report. Hyphenations are permitted, except when the hyphenated word is split over two pages. If your word processing software has a "widow/orphan protection feature," it is recommended that you use this feature to avoid the first line of a paragraph being at the end of a page or the last line of a paragraph beginning a new page. It is acceptable to have a page end shorter to prevent paragraphs starting or ending in this manner.
Ponits include in Report :
Table of Contents
List of Tables
List of Figures
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols
Project Objectives
Project Team
Design and Analysis
Discussion and Conclusions
Team Resumes
Gantt Chart
Attachment:- final-report-format.rar